Claymount SmartBucky DR: State-of-the-art digital image acquisition at the lowest possible dose, with our unique Claymount SmartBucky DR
system with flat panel digital detector, pendulum moving high
quality fiber-interspaced grid, integrated solid state AEC sensor
and preamplifier.
Claymount SmartBucky DR is offered both as an UPGRADE/RETROFIT
KIT to upgrade your existing analog x-ray system into a digital
x-ray system and as a digital subsystem that OEMs can incorporate
into their own equipment. It is the most advanced image acquisition
package to ensure absolute line-free, low dose, and high contrast
images. Our SmartBucky DR combines all the benefits of our well
known state-of-the-art component technology into one smart
package, offering you a smart choice.
• Superior image quality
• Overall dose reduction of up to 50%
• Easy grid removal and replaceability
• Integrated solid state AEC sensor and preamplifier
• High reliability moving grid drive system
• Integrated Flat Panel Detector with accompanying
imaging software
• Easier Installation, less hassle due to integrated components
• Very affordable price
[ 연락처 정보 ]
Claymount / CM Korea Inc.
인천광역시 연수구 송도미래로 30 송도BRC, 스마트밸리 지식산업센타 A314호 (우:406-840) 한국