The Claymount SSMC 501 is the world thinnest AEC detector
panel. A solid state measuring chamber, build of special carbon
material, intended to measure the dose of x-rays used in
real time operation within the Medical Radiology, Oncology
and Chiropractors.
• Invisibility.
• Little absorption.
• Highly efficient.
• Scatter free.
• Mechanically stable.
• Very reliable.
• User friendly.
The SSMC 501 is placed between the patient and the imaging
device (film, detector) in order to detect the actual dose value
for the automatic exposure control (AEC) an error free image is
guaranteed even at low kV. Its attenuation factor is very low.
X-ray scattering has been brought back to the bare minimum,
to improve the brightness of the image. Its design and reliability
has proven itself in the installed base of 30.000 units within today’s
toughest radiology environments and will meet the strongest
requirements of tomorrow.
[ 연락처 정보 ]
Claymount / CM Korea Inc.
인천광역시 연수구 송도미래로 30 송도BRC, 스마트밸리 지식산업센타 A314호 (우:406-840) 한국