Highly flexible, small diameter, low capacitance, 3-conductor,
75kVDC rated rubber insulated high voltage cable.
• Low capacitance.
• High flexibility.
• Small diameter.
• 95% shielding braid coverage.
This 3-conductor, rubber insulated high voltage cable’s typical
applications are:
• Medical X-ray equipment like standard X-ray,
computer tomography and angiography equipment.
• Industrial and scientific X-ray or electron beam equipment
like electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction equipment.
• Low power high voltage test- and measuring equipment.
[ 연락처 정보 ]
Claymount / CM Korea Inc.
인천광역시 연수구 송도미래로 30 송도BRC, 스마트밸리 지식산업센타 A314호 (우:406-840) 한국